Learn More About Watts Conversion Kits
Posted by: Chase Collier 2 years ago

If you have ever put a GM 10 bolt or 12 bolt in a 79-97 full size Ford for demolition derby you know that the upper trailing arm holes don’t quite line up as easily as the rear end that you took out did.
There is a reason for that! The placement of the upper ears from the GM rear end to the Ford rear end is not quite the same. The GM upper trailing arm ears are placed approximately 1 1/2” wider. So, when you go to put a GM rear end into a Ford car you have to spread the upper trailing arms out to get the holes to line up.
The same goes for when you are doing a watts conversion. Many of the watts conversion brackets on the market today are based off of the Ford rear end trailing arm/ear placement. This can lead to a less than ideal fit and can be especially frustrating when trying to use a GM rear end with brackets built for a Ford rear end.

Additionally, the ears on a GM rear end are approximately 1″ forward of the Ford ears when comparing the axle center-line to the center-line of the ears. Again, using the universal type brackets and trailing arms with the GM rear end will tend to move your rear end back in the wheel well.

The placement of the upper ears from the GM rear end to the Ford rear end is not quite the same.
We offer two kits specific to the rear ends you plan to use.
Why Our Watts Conversion Kits Were Developed
After personally dealing with these frustrations in the past on car builds and helping numerous customers with trailing arm orders, we set out to build application specific watts conversion kits.
We offer two kits specific to the rear end you plan to use.
One kit is specific for GM rear ends or a rear end that has been jigged in a GM frame and one kit specific to Ford rear ends or a rear end that has been jigged in a Ford frame.
If you run a fabricated rear end with heavy bracing or trusses with fabricated top ears, you just need to know which frame it was jigged for. 9 times out of 10 the answer is Ford.
Simply choose which option you need and we will be happy to get you the right parts you can count on as soon as possible.
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